I am here with my padlet! (click here to the padlet) Actually with US padlet because me and my friends made it together. It is about "Violence in Turkey". It is too sad to talk about it and it is even sadder to see what is happening under the name of violence. We should do something about it but first we should know what it is. 

    In our padlet first we write what we know about the violence and violence in Turkey. Then, we asked questions to ourselves. "What we already know?". And lastly, we made researches and got information to complete our chart. 

    Unfortunataly, when I say violence in Turkey, first thing that comes to my mind is the one against the women. I feel so sorry about it when I talk but we should talk and find a way to stop it, immidiately. 

    Please let me know if you have any other ideas or information about this topic. 

     I love you, stay tuned!
